We at the Burt Coyote Co. encourage you to research the shaft ID for your particular arrow shaft. Web searches and catalog queries indicate arrow model specifications. Lumenok fitment relies primarily on the Shaft inside diameter. We supply Lumenok solutions for most commercially available arrows, based on that shaft but cannot list every named model for all companies (arrow manufacturers do not share with us their arrow name schemes). We make nocks that work on arrows of 5 ID classes:
.246” Shaft ID - Lumenok GT
.245-.244/ 6.5 mm Shaft ID – Lumenok S
.232”/6 mm Shaft ID – Lumenok H
.204”/5 mm Shaft ID – Lumenok X
.165” -.166”/4 mm Shaft ID _ Lumenok H with Lumenok H nock Adapter