Lumenok Fishing Arrow

The Lumenok equipped fishing arrow comes equipped with a Lumenok Signature nock in stainless steel Unity Lighted Nock Adapter that is new this year from Innerloc.  This new adapter eliminates the larger diameter adapter previously offered.  This feature allows the arrow to slide easily over all bowfishing arrow rests for better flight and no loss of penetration.  It is attached to a solid 5/16" diameter Unity Glow Shaft shaft with an Innerloc Pro Point for general bowfishing needs.  The glow in the dark  Unity Glow Shaft is equipped with an Innerloc grappid point capable of holding soft fish and even penetrating the tough hide of a gator.  Each bowfishing shaft comes with an HD Orange Lumenok Signature to provide the brightest possible bowfishing beacon to allow you to track that fish even in murky waters.  These arrows come equipped with an Innerloc Constrictor safety slide.